Lingua Traduzione Inglese 1 DISUM 23_24

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Lingua Traduzione Inglese 1 DISUM 23_24

Forum del corso di Lingua e Traduzione Inglese 1 (M/Z) del CdL in Lingue e Culture Europee dell'Università di Catania

3 partecipanti

    Task 2: Syllables and stress


    Messaggi : 6
    Data di iscrizione : 08.10.23

    Task 2: Syllables and stress Empty Task 2: Syllables and stress

    Messaggio Da Admin Ven Nov 17, 2023 3:21 pm

    Indicate which syllable in the words below carries the primary stress:
    (a) Recitation
    (b) Predominate
    (c) Cigarette
    (d) Contest
    (e) Bureau
    (f) Contentment
    (g) Dislike
    (h) Unconvincing
    Explain why.
    Antonina Marletta

    Messaggi : 1
    Data di iscrizione : 19.10.23
    Età : 20

    Task 2: Syllables and stress Empty Re: Task 2: Syllables and stress

    Messaggio Da Antonina Marletta Sab Nov 18, 2023 12:41 pm

    (a) Recitation : [re sɪ ˈteɪ ʃn] in the third syllable
    (b) Predominate : [prɪ ˈdɑː mɪ neɪt] in the second syllable
    (c) Cigarette : [sɪ ɡə ˈret] in the third syllable
    (d) Contest : [ˈkɑː nte st] in the first syllable
    (e) Bureau : [ˈbjʊ ərəʊ] in the first syllable
    (f) Contentment : [kənˈ tent mənt] in the second syllable
    (g) Dislike : [dɪsˈ laɪk] in the second syllable
    (h) Unconvincing : [ʌn kənˈ vɪn sɪŋ] in the third syllable
    Teresa Rosalia

    Messaggi : 2
    Data di iscrizione : 19.10.23

    Task 2: Syllables and stress Empty Re: Task 2: Syllables and stress

    Messaggio Da Teresa Rosalia Dom Nov 19, 2023 8:39 pm

    (a) Recitation: third syllable -> [re.sə.'teɪ.ʃn]
    (b) Predominate : second syllable ->[pri'.do.min.eit]
    (c) Cigarette : first syllable -> ['sigə.ret]
    (d) Contest : first syllable -> ['kɒn.test]
    (e) Bureau : first syllable -> [‘bjʊ.rəʊ]
    (f) Contentment : second syllable ->[kən.'tent.mənt]
    (g) Dislike: second syllable -> [dɪs.'laɪk]
    (h) Unconvincing : third syllable ->[ˌʌn.kən.'vɪn.sɪŋ]

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    Task 2: Syllables and stress Empty Re: Task 2: Syllables and stress

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      La data/ora di oggi è Sab Gen 25, 2025 3:47 pm